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Teenage Pregnancy Prevention and Male Responsibility Presentation by Dr. Marcus Dumas to Youth To Men mentees.

On Sunday November 3rd the Callis Foundation and our Youth To Men mentoring program hosted Dr. Marcus Dumas who facilitated a frank and impactful discussion with Youth To Men students on Teen Pregnancy Prevention and Male Responsibility. The goals of the 2-hour candid discussion were the following:

  1. To educate the students regarding responsibility, relationships, teen pregnancy, and sexually transmitted diseases for young males ages 12-15 years old.
  2. To discuss changing attitudes and provide motivation toward positive changes in sexual behavior.
  3. To candidly and intellectually engage the students to create a sense of empowerment and self-esteem.  

Dr. Marcus Dumas is a professor at The College of Public Health at the University of Georgia. During his Ph.D. work, his research was on sexual health education for youth in middle school to young adults.


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